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Tips for Eating Out Healthily

Tips for Eating Out Healthily

  • Do not to have bread or bread sticks before your meal
  • Have a mixed salad for your starter without mayonnaise or creamy dressings, dress with balsamic vinegar or lemon juice instead
  • Avoid battered and deep fried dishes
  • Order a half or a smaller portion
  • Always get dressings and sauces on the side, you can choose the amount you have
  • Ask for double vegetables
  • Consider having two healthy starters and skip the main meal
  • Have a sorbet for dessert instead of ice cream
  • Do not have minerals or sodas especially diet ones, with your meal because of the high sugar content, instead drink lots of water
  • Share a dessert
  • Do not pile your plate high at a buffet, you can always go back for more
  • Eat slowly and savour your food, you will enjoy it more and feel full quicker
  • Keep hydrated with mineral water
  • Cocktails have a high sugar content, do not drink too many!